Friday, March 16, 2007

Administrators and Student Discipline

Discipline is one area that challenges most teachers and administrators. Strong discipline is important as schools try to maintain a safe and secure environment for learning. It is difficult for students to learn in an environment in which they do not feel safe. It is the schools’ responsibility to provide such an environment. The challenge that most administrators face is the ability to maintain a learning environment while at the same time not removing students from the environment unnecessarily. In other words there are teachers that abuse the system just as do students. I have witnessed teachers that have no classroom management skills and depend on office referrals of students to gain control of their class. This is not normally the purpose of In School Suspensions (ISS) or Out of School Suspensions (OSS).

Do you notice any differences in the manner for which student discipline is handled in your school as the school year progresses? Do your administrators "tighten the reins" or "loosen the reins"? Also, do you notice a difference in the way discipline is administered to a student with affluent parents and a student whose parents are not affluent?


Anonymous said...

I have noticed a difference between the ethnic groups. I believe that in order to not have any one group be reported more often for office referrals some ethnic groups are hit with a more severe punishment the first time they are written up than other groups. I have also witnessed some discipline referrals being "lost" because the person responsible for dealing with these doesn't want to deal with repeat offenders.

Penny Lott said...

I do not notice a difference in discipline as the year progresses. I do notice a difference in discipline procedures between the principal and assistant principal.

At my school, the administration tries to provide a safe environment for students and teachers. This has resulted in securing help from local law enforcement officials. This type of action is not considered a positive action by many of the higher officials in the school system. However, as a teacher, I realized that if we don't do something to get the attention of the students, there will be no discpline in the school and the environment will not be safe.