Friday, March 16, 2007

Out-of-State field trips

There has been a lot of talk lately in the district offices of public schools in Georgia about student safety and liability during out-of-state field trips. The issue of sovereign immunity continues to raise it's ugly head and place the responsibility of student safety on the shoulders of school officials who approve such trips. This issue is hotter than ever after the unfortunate accident by a private coach transporting a college baseball team to Florida a few weeks ago. Most of you saw the terrible image of that bus laying on its side after falling thirty feet from an overpass after the driver mistakenly exited the interstate in Atlanta. Many public school administrators are asking themselves, what if that had been my students? What are your thoughts regarding out-of-state field trips? Do the laws involving sovereign immunity need to be changed? Should a parent signing a field trip permission form release the school district and administrators from personal liability when negligence is not involved?


  1. In my district, administrators are simply not approving any type of out of state field trip. In Kindergarten we usually go to the zoo each year. Unfortunately, we have been unable to go in the past 3-4 years.
    I believe that if there is negligence on the part of the school system's employees on the trip, then by all means, the district should take responsibility for whatever occurs. However, if the incident is purely accidental, then the school district should not be held accountable. We all know that there are those that would gladly sue anyone to better themselves though.

  2. In my opinion, learning should extend beyond the classroom walls! Therefore, any educational study trip should be permitted by the local board of education and/or superintendent. Of course, safety of students at all times is an important issue, but chool districts, individual schools, as well as teachers should not be held accountable when non preventable accidents occur.

  3. Thanks for writing this.
